As much as reservation required for uplifting our poor and lower caste community of civil society as well as today’s our atmosphere required ‘Green Reservation’ on land and air for the sake of humankind and creature’s long live. Because land and air both are at the very poor level of the green quality index. One of the most popular problems is global warming that arises just because of continuing deforestation and reducing the green lands like the big forests are also a reason. Green Reservation - Forest No doubt development is necessary for any civil society, this change nobody can stop but we have to conscious for ecological balance that comes from green land. “Development Must but Greenery First” We can’t reverse it like, 'development first then greenery must'. We have to reserve greenery first, can’t let the greenery destroy. We can add the things in this natural environment no one can change it or put anything else instead of greenery (natural gree...
Why I am calling GST as Ghost of Single Tax while we all know GST full form is 'Goods and Services Tax' because 2 years completed of GST rolled out. The GST was launched at midnight on 1st July 2017. The government said it is a great reform in the tax system in India after 1991. But there is no positive effect on Business ease and no growth on Central Government Revenue. The economy of the country is now running in crisis just because of GST and regular changes in the economic policy of the government. The government had targeted growth in 2% GDP within 2years. The GST is performing and scaring as a Ghost in the market among businessmen as well as small shopkeepers. Ghost of Single Tax The government brought tax reform as One Nation, One Tax in the country, and targeted growth in 2% GDP within 2years but no growth in GDP. Last two years overall annual GST collection of government per month is 90 to 95 thousand crores. The central government had targeted 1.5 lacs ...